Javen's Talk
Daniel was a righteous man. He was very wise, and was a friend to the king. Some bad men did not like Daniel and they wanted him gone. The bad men tricked the king into making a new law. No one could pray to God for 30 days. If anyone prayed to God, they would be thrown in the lion’s den. Daniel did not like this law. He loved Heavenly Father and went home to pray. The bad men followed him home and saw him praying. They told the king and the king was forced to throw him into the lion’s den. The king hoped that God would save Daniel. The next morning the king went to the lion’s den and asked Daniel if he was OK. Daniel said, "yes", and that God had made the lion’s nice. God blessed Daniel because he was righteous. I can be blessed when I choose the right.
We are so proud of you Javen, you gave a wonderful talk!